Cancel subscription

Do you pay for your subscription through iTunes? Please look for your payment method below and read more about how to proceed with your cancelation. If you are a Viaplay direct customer, you make changes or cancel your package through the menu Stjórna pakka.

Stjórna pakka

Cancel subscription
You can easily manage your Viaplay subscription by logging into To cancel your package, go to Reikningurinn minn > Stjórna pakka. You can get to Reikningurinn minn by clicking on the black button above or go to and click on your name in the top right corner.

Under Stjórna pakka you can see our packages and a cancellation button on the subscription you currently have active. To unsubscribe, click Segja upp pakka and complete the following steps. 

Once the cancelation is complete, you will receive a confirmation to your email address. If you haven’t received anything, check your spam folder. 

After canceling your package you can still use your account and keep watching until the end of your paid billing period. Note that you can still rent and buy films even though you don’t have an active package.

Cancel subscription
To cancel your subscription through iTunes on your iPhone/iPad, you do the following:

  • Go to Settings on your iPad/iPhone and click on your Apple ID/name (at the top) > iTunes & App Store
  • Click “Apple ID:”, View Apple ID and log in.
  • Under Subscriptions, you can manage your subscriptions through iTunes and cancel your package. After completing the cancelation of your Viaplay package, you’ll be able to continue using Viaplay until your paid billing period is over.

For more info on how to do this on other devices, read more here.

Are you unsure if your Viaplay package is through iTunes? You can double-check this through Stjórna pakka, to be sure we also recommend following the steps above to see if you have a Viaplay subscription on your Apple ID.


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